Wednesday, 15 September 2010

My my Duke, what enormous trousers you have!

Introducing Orlando dressed up as the Duke of Buckingham! Very cheeky!

I have to say I'm extremely relieved to see that the threatened modern interpretation turned out to be rubbish!

How exciting: OB back on a film set and with not only enormous trousers but a rather nice pair of boots too!!


  1. Um...OK. I'm not sure what I think about that.

  2. Sorry but I ALWAYS thought these costumes were a bit gay...

  3. @Anonymous- Then he should be wearing them lol.

  4. I've always thought he was born to play in these lavish historical 'costume' dramas. Not every guy can pull off these poncy outfits well, but if anyone can, he can (imho). The fancy, more 'effete' styles just seem to suit him better than 'modern-day' fashions (well, again my opinion). He just seems like a natural for it.

  5. @ MysticLady
    LOOOOOL Very true!

  6. He looks like he mugged Puss in Boots.

  7. LMFAO - Wanda! Gawd, now that you mention it, he does bear a strange resemblance to "Puss in Boots!" Too funny.

  8. This man with that yellow thing in his head is r i d i c u l o u s. LOL

  9. *wolf whistles*

    Nice heels girlfriend!

  10. ROFL great comments guys!

    @ Wanda - perhaps he's auditioning for the pantomime season
    @anomers - I'm not sure that big bird will appreciate his tail being nicked
    @Akeelers - you made me spill my coffee over my keyboard!
