Thursday, 25 November 2010

We Three Kings

I know I've said this before but its all gone a bit quiet on the Orlando front again - perhaps, like the holy family in Bethlehem 2000 years ago, they are at this very moment preparing for a long journey - after all, the Mantis seems to be treating the birth of the little one (in her bellie) like the second coming....

I just hope Viggo is one of the three kings... where was I? Oh yes, this mornings post !

Actually I don't have much more to add other than I hope you like the pretty sighs!


  1. Oh thank you so much, Sweetie. Love this guys B& W shots.
    But where IS The Bloom?

  2. WHo knows - I can imagine the bigger her bump the easier it is to block doorwarys when poor Orlando tries to escape...
