Sunday, 28 November 2010

The PM writes again...

I was wondering why she'd been so quiet - I presumed she was cooking up some publicity stunt to time with the VS christmas show but it seems she still found time to communicate with the jellus ones....

Deare lusinder
eye amme notte impressede at alle withe yur booke, eye ordereded a copie in the ende tew see whate itte whatte the fusse was alle aboute and eye thinke its disgustinge .

Whye yew are alle so proude offe beinge fatte ande jellus cowz is beyonde mee. Do yew thinke that Orlandoe lykes fatties orre somthinge - yew are wronge! pluse mye booke is nowe on the beste sellars liste withe vogue - eye tolde theme eye wouldnte lette them have anyee more nekkid piktures offe me iffe they didnte haw haw haw...

Aktually eye wante to aske youre advice thoughe on orlandoe he's beinge a bitte stragne. Eye "loste" mye clothes againe inne the name of arte thinkinge thayte he woulde fancie a bitte of seksy tyme ande he started cryinge - eye couldnte make outte what he waz sayinge bute itte sounded lyke "pleese kille me nowe, eye kante tayke aneemore".

odde righte? eye knowe he lykes nekkid wimin because he keepes onne goinge to strip clubbes withe his friendz butte when eye do itte he lookes sui..... sui...... (fuk itte) lyke hed rather bee deade.... eye evene didde thate seksy danse eye dide duringe the shoote for hym butte thayt juste made himme crye even moree.

Whate do yew thinke - I knowe yew havve no lyfe so youe will have plentie offe tyme to thinke of whats wronge...

and destroye youre boooke nowe - eye donte lyke thinges withe lottes of wordzs...

1 comment:

  1. Oi, Pantee Mantus, howe dumm ar ewe? Ewe juss sed Whorlandoe duzznt lyke phatties, yett heer ewe ar orl phat and blotud and nokkd upp and ur wundring whye ur partnuh duzznt want seksy tyme with ewe.

    Yepp, ur reely livinge thee lyfe, arnt ewe??

    Frome Joduhs (wun ov thee phattest and moast jellus hatuhs ov orl thee phatjellushatuhs) xxx
