Friday, 12 November 2010

The "Tub o Lard" Award

I have truly exciting news for you today. With awards season starting up I decided to institute a brand new TSO award for people outside of the inner circle of fat jellus haterdom who show particular talent through words, writing and any other media to hand for demonstrating a fat n jellus tendency..

Without further ado the first and highly coverted TSO "Tub o lard" or TOL award goes to..

*drum roll* for their illuminating take on the lost wedding dress:

"Days like this make you glad you're not in public relations for American Airlines: Celebrity model Miranda Kerr is upset because, she says, American lost her luggage, including the antique dress in which she got married to Orlando Bloom last July. Did I mention that she's pregnant? Now Miranda has asked her 369,000 Facebook followers for advice: "Has anyone else experienced losing luggage through American Airlines and if so did you ever late it again? Any help would be greatly appreciated." I imagine "late it" is supposed to be "recover it." The poor pregnant darling is obviously too upset to be coherent. AA's response so far: they asked her to fill in a form. She's 27.

Congratulations Windsorstar - Your award is in the mail to you

If you feel there are any other worthy candidates for this prestigious award, please do feel free to get in touch!

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