Tuesday, 18 May 2010

A Whole lotta Beard...

Obviously I don't pay attention to dates very closely.... apparently it was Jerry's Party last night...... Orlando was there looking rather cute.

What I also didn't realise is that they'd hold a competition for the best looking beard. Orlando made it through the elimination rounds

it all came down to a tie breaker apparently between OB and Jonathan Pryce,

Orlando WON! (though I'm not sure how, that beard has barely gravitated from Bum fluff whereas JP's working the whole captain birdseye look)

As part of his lap of honor he got to judge the caliber of beards in the audience and to identify a winner..

and here's the winner Harriet, 37 from West Brunswick:

Apparently she won beard trimming classes with Orlando (not that I'm jellus or anything but I'd say both of them could do with it..)


  1. FFS, someone get him a bottle of shampoo!

  2. and a Razor??? that bum fluff could be doing with a trim...

  3. i like the scruff; but poor Harriet.

  4. poor harriet has a better beard than OB... i wonder if he has beard envy..

    but seriously the amount of beards grown at the Jerry party was hilarious....

  5. he got to judge the caliber of beards in the audience and to identify a winner..

    I seriously thought there was going to be a picture of the Panty Mantis :D

    Perhaps he grew the bum fluff for the Bruckheimer get together? It's kind of reminiscent of Will's bum fluff. Maybe it's not for Albert Nobbs as we all thought.

    Poor Harriet. She's a rough looking 37.

  6. I love how you get the subtext Joders..... I like writing with a double edged sword!!

    maybe the beard fest is just an actor thing.....

    Poor Harriet indeed, still at least she'll be able to get the sucker designed into a goatee now she's won

  7. Yikes! Sorry, I'm so not digging the facial hairs.

  8. Nor Am I.....I think its hilarious that lots of them had grown them though...
