In all fairness, I dont think I can really direct this post at the PM - after all, she is a model - and modelling unfortunate outfits is part of the modus operandi.
ok so to the image
what a shame they missed out the leash in this design..
Poor Panty Mantis, she seems to be in some difficulty... Im glad she had some help on hand!
Owe Deayre , Ey'me loosinge mye bikini
"Canne yew helpe mee?"
"NO? Ok howe aboute Yew? yes yew yew'll do"
"whayte is wronge withe these peeple?? ah! Yew are backe againe...Yesse Yesse thaytes itte, I knowe itss a smalle bikini butte itte doesnte belonge in tehyre"
"RIghyte backe to mye beste powse!"
ETA: Obviously Im fat, jellus and want Orlando all to myself (in case you were wondering!)